we are country people
Protecting you against pesky, unwelcome & unwanted guests for well over 30 years.

Owner, operator, director, and all-around-good-guy Andrew Boylan took over in 2012 and specialises in ridding your home of spiders, termites, wasps, rats, rodents, flies, fleas, cockroaches, and other creepy crawlies.
The business also makes sure you are in control of your outdoor areas too. Andrew uses the latest in pest technology and management, and says it is imperative that locals seek professional help when undertaking pest and weed control to ensure the correct chemicals are used.
Giving Back
Mid North Pest & Weed Control is proud to be truly local, increasing local economy and giving back to the community. They have undertaken pro bono pest and weed management work at the Riesling Trail, local ovals and Clare High School.
“We enjoy giving back to this town and supporting it the best way we can”