For new home buyers we offer Prior-Purchase inspections for the peace of mind.
And if you already moved in and discovered you have some unwelcome guests, like wasps, mites, rodents etc, then give us a call and we'll call in.
We will assess your situation and will offer the most effective once-off treatment and if you require an ongoing maintenance.
Regular maintenance
Annual termite inspections are amongst the most important and most common service we offer. Depending on the property, the inspection will take place every 6 to 12 months.
Annual inspections and monitoring of your house and property is a great way to start your termite management plan and avoid future problems.
Aside from termite and other pest treatment, we can assist with noxious weed eradication and control in your yard.
Industrial & Commercial
We offer full services of any insect and rodent eradication and control for restaurants, cafes, hotels, and other hospitality venues. As well as industrial sites like hay sheds, storage units, work sites etc.
We offer weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual inspections, depending on your site and requirements.
Once you have signed up with us we will fully manage the maintenance schedule and any required treatments.
Hover over each image to learn more about pests that can be a real nuisance
Termites, also known as White Ants, are the most common and most destructive pest that we treat. Termites are social insects that live in a colony like ants or bees. Their sole diet is cellulose so they seek wood, cardboard and paper. The only member of a termite colony which can actually eat timber is the worker caste. They are present throughout Australasia.
Both bees and wasps live in large colonies, that occupy hives, holes, other safe places, and can be a nuisance if they settle inside your roof, wall cavities, chimney, or nearby tree hollows. We will assess & determine the most suitable approach. Bees will be removed safely whenever possible. Afterwards we will seal the entry ways to prevent future infestations.
Fleas are a type of wingless parasites. They feed off the blood of humans and animals such as dogs and cats. Fleas are known to transmit tapeworm larvae and, uncommonly, the disease murine typhus. Measuring 2-8 mm in length, the adults are entirely covered with a series of bristles and combs that assists them in clinging to the host.
Almost all spiders possess venom for the purpose of subduing their prey, normally insects. This makes spiders one of the most beneficial of invertebrate groups. Spider venom is occasionally used against humans. This usually happens when the spider is trying to defend itself. While many spiders are not able to penetrate human skin with their fangs, those that can, occasionally inflict painful and in rare cases, dangerous bites.
The first step to successfully treating ants is to have an expert identify the species, where possible seek out the nesting areas and foraging trails. By identifying the species we can determine the best treatment moving forward. Different ant species behave in different ways determined by whether the colony is supported by one queen or multiple queens and this also being a determining factor in regard to successful treatment.
Borers (common house) are pests of major economic importance in Australia. With Australian houses getting older the damage to timber accumulates and with these attacks the timber becomes progressively weaker. The borer larvae create holes and labyrinths which allows water to penetrate many timbers and increases rot by fungi.
The fly is an omnivorous animal that will eat almost anything from nectar of plants, to sap and even animal blood. Flies are able to prey on such things as it uncoils it’s long, straw-like tongue which then sucks the liquid into the fly’s body. The baby flies or maggots, are known to feed primarily on decomposing matter such as excrement and flesh.
Bed bugs are small, wingless insects found all over the world. They are nocturnal parasites, which means they rest during the day and are active at night. They feed on the blood of humans. Bed bugs prefer to hide in bedding and on mattresses where they have ready access to a source of food.
Cockroaches represent a primitive and highly successful group of insects whose origins extend back at least 300 million years. Most pest cockroaches originated in tropical or subtropical Africa. Their wide distribution and close association with humans, coupled with the high frequency with which they carry human diseases, in and on their bodies, have given them a very high pest status in most parts of the world.
These animals are well adapted to living in very close association with humans, sharing their food and shelter. Through history, rats and mice have been responsible for enormous losses of food and, owing to their ability to transmit diseases to humans by a variety of means, enormous losses of human life.